Author Archives: David M. Schweppe

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Disclosure requirements for selling property in North Carolina

When you are thinking of listing your home in North Carolina there are a few disclosure requirements. Providing proper disclosures…

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What you need to know about home disclosures in North Carolina

North Carolina law requires home sellers to give buyers a disclosure statement, but there are certain things that they don’t…

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Could a trust assist beneficiaries with a house?

Pwning a house allows many people to build the bulk of their personal equity. When writing a will, a home…

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Issues with photo analysis evidence

Some criminal cases in North Carolina rely on circumstantial evidence, including photo analysis. Photo analysis has been used for decades…

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Selling a house for unmarried couples

Residents of Shelby and other parts of North Carolina might want to learn more about what happens when two unmarried…

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Overview of employer responsibilities to employees

North Carolina and federal business laws establish certain responsibilities that employers owe to employees. Employer duties can be classified into…

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What to know about Zoning Laws in North Carolina

Zoning laws regulate business activity on a given property, what types of businesses can exist on that property, along with…

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Most Americans don’t have a will to their name

It’s been estimated that 70% of citizens throughout North Carolina and the remaining 49 states do not have a will.…

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Why it’s wise to hire an attorney before buying a house

There’s nothing like moving into a new home in beautiful North Carolina. Considering the importance of buying the right home,…

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Your estate plans should involve more than just a will

Most North Carolina residents know that they need a last will and testament to ensure that their assets get passed…

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