Author Archives: David M. Schweppe

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Why is a land survey important in real estate transactions?

Before buying real estate in North Carolina, it’s wise to conduct a land survey. Real estate agents sometimes make mistakes…

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Notable changes in real estate law

The financial crisis of 2008 and onward shone a lot of light on the real estate market, especially on how…

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What to know about buying your first home

Buying a home can be an excellent way to build wealth and become a permanent part of a North Carolina…

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Penalties for DWI in North Carolina

Regardless of how they classify the offense, all states make drunk driving illegal to keep roads safe. Drunk driving is…

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Why you should revisit your estate plan and update it

Even if you already have an estate plan in place in North Carolina, it’s worth revisiting and updating your estate…

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Understanding a special needs trust

If necessary, you want to ensure that your disabled loved one qualifies for SSI or other government assistance programs in…

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When forensic evidence is unreliable

If you live in North Carolina and are facing criminal charges, the prosecution might have forensic evidence against you. You…

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Should you hire an attorney when buying a home?

The state of North Carolina generally requires buyers to hire an attorney to assist with the closing process. Although you…

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Incapacity and estate planning in North Carolina

Creating a plan for one’s inevitable demise can be a very challenging experience. From determining how to divide your assets…

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Does your small business need a business law attorney?

North Carolina entrepreneurs may find that their businesses are thriving, but with so much growth can come growing pains. Did…

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