The Schweppe Law Firm, P.A. in Shelby can help plan your legacy and protect your assets.
Our clients often require guidance as they confront legal issues involving the care of elders. Decisions such as moving a parent to a nursing home or initiating guardianship proceedings are emotional and require detailed consideration. We are experienced in developing elder care plans and offer thorough and thoughtful guidance during this stressful process.
In the event that Medicaid planning is required, asset protection is a necessity. Qualifying for Medicaid can be crucial due to the escalating costs of long-term care. This qualification often requires an estate plan, which can be developed by our attorneys. Even if your loved one is already in a nursing home, we can help. We provide clients with a clear explanation of how Medicaid works and the related laws.
Our knowledge and experience will prevent the depletion of your estate by taking full advantage of all available Medicaid benefits to cover the rising expenses associated with medical treatment and nursing home care.
If your spouse, parent or loved one requires protective care, it may become necessary to name a legal guardian to protect their financial well-being or to attain appropriate medical care. A guardian may be appointed by the court when a person is shown to be incapable of managing their own affairs.
Many elderly persons, especially those who are in the beginning stages of dementia or Alzheimer’s, are not aware that they are failing to take care of their health, home or finances. This incapacitation can make them increasing vulnerable to abuse or fraud.
If you are concerned about an ailing parent or relative, we can assist with the complicated court process of naming a legal guardian to secure their financial well-being and health. Our attorneys can provide a thoughtful and detailed analysis of the advantages of guardianship proceedings. We assist in the collection of evidence and documentation of your loved one’s circumstances and work quickly to bring the case before the appropriate court officials.
If you find yourself struggling with the issues discussed here, call us today for a consultation. Call 704-487-7204 and speak with an attorney who regularly handles issues relating to elder care. You can also send us a brief summary of your circumstance in Shelby, NC and we will get in touch with you about next steps.